About Us
The History
Established in 1981, HUEY Productions has been solving problems through programming and working on the Internet since our inception. We have developed sites for hundreds of businesses in the United States and internationally and are dedicated to making our clients successful and profitable. HUEY Productions has a dedicated staff willing to create a professional Web site for you, or modify your existing Web site for higher ratings on major search engines and directories. We currently have offices and staff in Fredericksburg, Texas and San Antonio, Texas.
Our Goal
HUEY Productions is committed to producing professional looking Web sites and simplifying Internet marketing for you. We want you to understand the “hows” and “whys” involved with implementing your online marketing efforts. Your online business will thrive if you successfully use all of the tools available to you on the Web. Toward this goal, we are committed to working with you to optimize, measure, and improve your Internet marketing strategy and strengthen your Web site’s position on the Internet. Through use of directory listings, strategic linking, search engine relevancy analysis and other services, we can help you establish multiple paths for your target market to take to reach your site. This approach creates an enduring network of different ways for people to find your site. By making this investment in the long-term, you are helping to ensure traffic to your site for months and years to come.